The 10th Vilnius International Artist's Book Triennial 2024 opens at the Museum of Applied Arts and Design.
This ongoing international interdisciplinary art project includes exhibitions and a thorough selection of works, lectures on the theme of the artist's book, and workshops in Lithuania and abroad. The Artist's Book Triennial is also a non-commercial educational art project for children, educators, students, artists and the general public. The Triennial's exhibitions always attract a great deal of attention from book art professionals and visitors from secondary and higher education institutions and other audiences.
This year marks the 10th anniversary of the artist's book triennial. On 25 May, the Museum of Applied Arts and Design will host the international conference "The Artist's Book: between Tradition and Multimedia", dedicated to the 31st anniversary of the organisation of international exhibitions of the artist's book. The conference will bring together artists and art critics from the UK, Italy, USA, Colombia, Norway, Germany, Taiwan and the USA.
The theme chosen for the artist's jubilee book triennial - "To Be" - was born out of a reflection on the situation in the world, the conflicts between states, crises and pandemics that affect each of us personally and raise various existential questions for everyone. Unexpected and uncomfortable, alien and distant questions used to arise not for us, but for the inhabitants of other, "distant" countries. To be? How to be? Questions that we have to answer for ourselves, not for someone else, and we do not always find the answers.
The artist's books on the theme "To Be" were submitted by 197 artists from 41 countries. The books were selected for the exhibition by an international jury of six experts:
Prof. Timothy Frerichs (USA)
Dr. Rasa Janulevičiūtė (Lithuania)
Artist Hanne Matthiesen (Denmark)
Prof. Dr. Vilborg Stubseid Hovet (Norway)
Artist Roberta Vaigeltaitė-Vasiliūnienė (Lithuania)
Prof. Kęstutis Vasiliūnas (Lithuania)
An important part of the project is the public lectures on the subject of the artist's book given by the curator Prof. Kęstutis Vasiliūnas, as well as workshops held at various art universities in Venice, Rome, Urbino, Leipzig, Leipzig, Rhineland, Lodz, Helsinki, Granada, Seoul, Tokyo, Evanston and New York.
The exhibition will run from 24 May to 10 June 2024.
More information:
Organisers of the project: Circle "Bokartas", Artist's Book Museum Vilnius
Curator of the project: Prof. Kęstutis Vasiliūnas
Project partners:
LNDM Taikomosios dailės ir dizaino muziejus
Vilniaus dailės akademija
IAKH: Globus Galerie + Edition Lebensretter (Leipcigas, Vokietija)
Scuola Internazionale di Grafica (Venecija, Italija)
Plungės rajono savivaldybės viešoji biblioteka
Kunst- und Museumsbibliothek (Kelnas, Vokietija)
Evanston Art Center (Evanstonas, JAV)
Reed Library of the State University of New York at Fredonia (JAV)
The Morgan Conservatory (Klivlandas, JAV)
Biblioteca del Hospital Real (Granada, Ispanija)
Project sponsors:
Joseph ir Ludi Visser
Circle „Bokartas“
Vilniaus dailės akademijos Meno ir mokslo projektų fondas
Vilniaus dailės akademijos Grafikos katedra