The Vilnius Academy of Arts is committed to conducting its activities in accordance with the principle of equality of individuals enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania and condemns any manifestations of direct and indirect discrimination.
As of 2024, the Vilnius Academy of Arts employs 301 men and 346 women. According to the 2024 report of the Vilnius Academy of Arts, the academic staff consists of 55.4% men and 44.6% women, while the non-academic staff comprises 61.8% women and 38.2% men (the given statistics are based on the perspective of biological sex).
Equal Opportunities – the realization of human rights that are established in international human rights documents and the laws of the Republic of Lithuania. This applies regardless of factors such as age, sexual orientation, disability, race or ethnic background, religion, beliefs, or other grounds specified in international treaties or Lithuanian laws.
Academic Ethics – a set of universally recognized values, principles, and practices in the fields of art and science that ensure transparency, integrity, fairness, responsibility, equality of individuals, non-discrimination, academic freedom, trust, and respect in artistic and scientific activities, as well as in studies and study-related activities.
Definitions of Forms of Discrimination:
- Harassment is unwanted behavior intended to insult or undermine a person's dignity based on their identity characteristics. It aims to create or contributes to a frightening, hostile, humiliating, or offensive environment. Harassment can negatively affect an individual's mental health, well-being within the community, and ability to perform their assigned functions successfully.
- Sexual Harassment refers to unwanted, intrusive sexual behavior directed at a specific individual. The goal or effect of such behavior is to harm a person's dignity, particularly by creating a frightening, hostile, humiliating, or offensive environment. Sexual harassment can occur verbally, in writing, or through physical actions.
- Psychological Violence (Mobing) consists of repeated non-physically harmful behaviors based on a power dynamic, where one person uses this power against a other individual. The objective is to control the other person through humiliation, belittling, isolation, silencing, and similar strategies.
- Stalking involves intentional, repeated behaviors that threaten another person, making them feel unsafe. Stalking can also manifest as treating an individual less favorably compared to others due to their reporting or complaining about harassment or sexual harassment, or their participation in investigations related to such cases.
Reports and/or complaints regarding violations of equal opportunities, harassment, sexual harassment, stalking, psychological violence, and mobing are reviewed by the ethics committee. Information about individuals who submit complaints is kept confidential.
Reports and/or complaints about possible violations of academic ethics should be sent to (addressed to the Academic Ethics Committee of the Senate) or (addressed to the VDA Student Union).
Reports and/or complaints related to equal opportunities or sexual harassment should be sent to the VDA Equal Opportunities Team at
You can also report sexual harassment by filling in the form below (addressed to the person responsible for preventing harassment at the VDA).
Vilnius Academy of Arts guarantees the full confidentiality of applicants.
Currently, the academy is working on updating its strategies for the implementation of equal opportunities, diversity, and inclusion. If you have any questions regarding mentioned topics, please contact the Equal Opportunities, Diversity, and Inclusion Coordinator, Martynas Arlauskas, at the email address