Updated the procedure of the Work safety briefing in the laboratories.
Vilnius faculty Art and design laboratory Health and safety manuals have been uploaded to Google Drive, please get acquainted with the Instructions remotely, without contact.
When you come to work at a chosen Vilnius faculty laboratory, you will have to sign in the Instruction registration journal - contact the head of the specific laboratory.
To complete the forms, click on the links below. Each Vilnius faculty laboratory has its own link.
You will only be able to fill out the forms after logging in to your @vda.lt mail account, the logged-in the email address will be automatically included in your filled form. If you are unable to log in to the desired form, contact gintas.kavoliunas@vda.lt
Only fill out ones for the laboratories you plan to use:
- Design laboratory
- Photography and media laboratory
- Graphics laboratory
- Ceramics laboratory
- Costume laboratory
- Metal laboratory
- Monumental arts laboratory
- Textile Laboratory
- Restoration laboratory