Design Laboratory

Design laboratory

Maironio str. 3, 008 room, Vilnius

Head of laboratory Donatas Stasiulis

Tel. (85) 2100 132
Mob. 8610 21239

Specialist for practical training of students Žilvinas Žalgus  

Specialist for practical training of students Aivaras Širvinskas

Specialist for practical training of students Juozapas Zdaniauskis

Painting room No. 014

This room there is equipped with  a painting wall, air circulation and compressed air systems. This room is meant intended for painting surfaces, varnishing, gluing (with solvent based adhesives). In this room you can use brushes, rollers, aerosol tools, painting pistol.paint guns.

Workshop Layout roomroom No. 030

In layout roomthe workroom there is a possibility to construct and create objects and prototypes, you can carry out your creative tasks here. In this room you will find some work tables, lockers for safekeeping your things and some work places suitable for working with personal computers. The capacity of this rooms is up to 10 people.Up to 10 students can work at a time in the room.

Woodworking rooms No. 009 and 017

In these rooms you can process various woods and other materials:

  • aminated sawdust platesLMDP – laminated particle board;
  • ood splint platesMDF – medium-density fiberboard; 
  • riented chip platesOSB – oriented strand board;
  • igh density splint platesHDF – high-density fiberboard;
  • Plywood;
  • oam platesPVC foam boards.

According to the list provided by the Department 's leader, the Design Laboratory makes wooden frames for the student study process.

We have this equipment:

  • utting machine toolsCircular saw machines;
  • Jointer;
  • hapersThickness planer;
  • Broadband grinding sanding machine;
  • illing machineRouter table;
  • Edge gluing banding machine;
  • dge processing toolHandheld edge router;
  • Miter saw;
  • Horizontal mortiser;
  • Drill press;
  • Wood turning machinelathe;
  • ape slicing machineBand saws;
  • igsaw machineJigsaws;
  • ar Belt – disk grinding machinesanders;
  • Panel glue press;
  • Hand electrical power tools;
  • Machines for plastic bending;
  • Table for plastic cooling.

Laser engraver room Nr. 017 B

There are two laser engraving machines equiped with air extraction system. Lasers can be used for cutting and engraving various materials that do not contain PVC:

  • HDF (high-density fiberboard);
  • Acrylic;
  • Wood products: plywood, wood, cardboard, paper;
  • Textiles;
  • Leather.

Mirror and glass can only be engraved.

The laser is not intended for cutting and engraving metal.

Work desks and stationary computers with requisite software are available. Additionally there is a large work desk with a long metal ruler for cutting materials with a utility knife.

It is recommended to make a reservation in advance, if you want to work with a laser.

Electronics and robotics room No. 018

In the Electronics and robotics room you have an opportunity to develop, experiment and make interactive design prototypes, carry out creative assignments and consult on topics of digital technologies, programming and electronics.

You are provided with:

  • Electronic circuit test and measurement equipment – multimeter, oscilloscope, function generator;
  • Soldering and rework equipment – soldering irons, hot air soldering station, solder sucker;
  • Manual tools – wire cutters, wire strippers, connector crimp tools, hot glue pistols, screwdrivers, etc.;
  • Arduino prototyping platforms and its requisite modules;
  • A range of electronic sensors;
  • peripheral devices.

Up to two students can work in this room at a time. Workplaces are suited for personal computer use.

It is recommended to make a reservation in advance. You may contact the responsible staff of laboratory by e- mail.

CNC milling machine. Rooms No. 132 and 133

5-axis CNC machining center can produce and complex geometric 2D and 3D shapes, objects and prototypes.

The advantage of this CNC milling machine over others of the same class is a greater machining volume. It is possible to mill (x 3300, y 1100, z 500 mm) sized objects, with milling cutters up to 230 mm in length and up to 180 mm in diameter and saws with a diameter up to 350 mm.

Only trained employees of the laboratory can operate this machine. Laboratory has all the required software for modeling 2D/ 3D shapes. It is possible cut various materials like wood, plywood, MDF (medium-density fiberboard), plastic foam, extrusion polystyrene (Styrodur) and plastic.

The responsible staff of the laboratory advises on all questions regarding the proper preparation of drawings, compatibility formats.

Regarding the completion of the task with CNC machines for the purposes of the study process, it is recommended to make a pre-registration, contact the head of Design Laboratory.


Students working in the laboratory are provided with equipment and tools for various technological processes as described in the presentation of the laboratory's capabilities.

All materials and tools necessary for the technological processes are provided to students in the laboratory.

There are materials available for students:

  • wood (according to the budget provided by the Department);
  • wood scraps;
  • wood panels: LMDP, MDF, OSB, HDF (according to the budget provided by the Department);
  • scraps of wood panels: LMDP, MDF, OSB, HDF;
  • plywood – sheet-glued wood panels (according to the budget provided by the Department);
  • scraps of plywood – sheet-glued wood panels;
  • plastics (according to the budget provided by the Department);
  • plastic scraps;
  • PVC - foam board (according to the budget provided by the Department);
  • sraps of PVC - foam board;
  • extruded polystyrene (according to the budget provided by the Department);
  • scraps of extruded polystyrene;
  • fixing details (nuts, nails);
  • glue (for wood);
  • grinding materials;
  • putty (for wood);
  • paint (for coatings);
  • thinners (acetone, white spirit, nephros, thinner 646);
  • portable manual and electric work tools.

There are materials and tools available for students in room No. 018:

  • soldering materials (solder, flux, pastes);
  • wires;
  • hot glue;
  • insulating tape;
  • fastening tape;
  • small electronic components;
  • specific electronic components (according to the budget provided by the Department);
  • portable manual and power work tools.

Students are partially supplied with materials when carrying out their artistic experiments (according to point 10 of the "Work Rules of Design Laboratory", approved Rector‘s order No. VĮU-47, dated 2016-09-01).

Design Laboratory Employment Schedule*
*non-working hours, weekends and public holidays
You can register by visiting the laboratory, with the head of the laboratory Donatas Stasiulis

Design laboratory work rules

Laser Engraver work rules

CNC milling machine work rules