Presentation „To Look North“ by Elena Augusta Victoria Reckevitz, MA 2nd year student of Graphic Arts on the Research Council of Lithuania's student research project and the workshop for Graphic Arts students - "Artefact".
Time: 30.04.2024, 17:30
Location: 314, Malūnų st. 5, VDA.
The heavy metal structure of the catamaran rises, having weathered the waves, the smell of seaweed intensifies, and there is a sense of relief that the goal has been reached. A dot on the map, a dot in the distance, turned into a dot in me. I feel with my whole body: around me is only the sea.
,,<...> Humans knows the world through senses. With the help of our senses, we enjoy it, we suffer for it, we distinguish certain features of it, we choose what we need.”1 My "body is not an object, but a source of a creative ability to understand"2. My body has billions of sensory tentacles: capturing, probing, recognizing, sending signals, pulsating and constructing its own perception. Why should I not trust it?
In 2023-2024, as part of my project funded by LMT (Research Councl Of Lithuania), I traveled to northern islands to study the island phenomenon and the connection between an island and humans, its impact on the human experience (and perception) of the world, sensitivity and creativity.
During the presentation, I will talk about what an LMT-funded student research project is, about my own project and its results. After the presentation, I will conduct a creative workshop called "Artefact".
There is limited places for workshop participants, so please register in the form.
About the creative workshop:
An artifact separated from its natural environment, from its usual context, can radically change the field of its perception and experience. It becomes a portal to a personal place reachable only through one's own experience.
During the workshop, we will create and reflect on an archive created out of one object. Please bring an object that has sentimental value to you. It can be a found or deliberately chosen thing (stone, glass, book, piece of textile, photo, etc.). The workshop will last about 30-40 minutes, other material and tools will be awaiting for you.
1 Varto, J., Meninis tyrimas. Kas tai? Kas jį atlieka ir kodėl?, Vilniaus dailės akademijos leidykla, 2022, p. 29.
2 Bourdieu, P., Wacquant, L.J.D., Įvadas į refleksyvią sociologiją, Baltos lankos, 2003, p. 41.
The project was funded by the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT), contract No S-ST-23-165