Types of scholarships
For state-funded PhD students, as defined by the government. The scholarship is paid for the entire duration of the doctoral studies, but no longer than the duration of the doctoral studies in which the doctoral student is enrolled, as laid down by the legislation.
Scholarships for Full-Time Master Degree (2024/2025)
Education Exchanges Support Foundation is opening a Call for applications for Lithuanian state scholarships. Funding under the Call can be provided to the citizens of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, China, Georgia, Israel, Japan, Moldova, South Korea, Ukraine and foreigners of Lithuanian origin from non-EU and EFTA countries, 100 grants in total (monthly scholarships and grants covering the study cost), ensuring quotas for citizens of the following countries:
A monthly scholarship is equal to 550 EUR. The grant covering the study cost is limited to and cannot be higher than the national standard study price.
Please get acquainted with other eligibility criteria.
Application deadline – 5 May, 2025
Please note that when applying for a scholarship, a candidate must have an official letter of pre-acceptance for full-time Master’s degree studies from VDA.
It is awarded twice a year (in the autumn and spring semesters) to first and second-cycle students and students in integrated studies, for the best learning achievements compared with the learning achievements of students in the same year in the same study programme.
Earmarked scholarships can be granted:
Application form for an earmarked one-off scholarship
The application and attachments should be sent to studijos@vda.lt
Provisions for awarding scholarships of the Vilnius Academy of Arts
Nominal scholarships are awarded to advanced students for exceptional achievement or merit in specific fields. They are awarded to the best students in certain fields of activity for special achievements or merits. The grounds and principles for awarding these scholarships are provided for in the regulations and/or requirements for awarding a specifically named scholarship.
Cash awards are also awarded in the annually organized competition - "Young Designer Prize" - Winners of prof. Algimantas Švėgždas' name drawing competition.
Application for a nominal one-time scholarship
Social scholarships - allocated by The State Studies Foundation of the Republic of Lithuania. In order to apply for a social scholarship, foreigners must have a permanent residence permit in Lithuania and also meet at least one of the established social criteria:
Students with disabilities can apply for two types of benefits:
Financial aid
Targeted payment
Financial assistance is provided to the disabled, subject to eligibility:
- has a working capacity of 45 percent or less
- is studying for the first time under a non-university, I or II cycle or integral university study program
- have no debts according to the program being studied and no disciplinary sanctions
The following financial aid measures are available to students with disabilities
Application forms:
Requests for targeted payment and financial support for the disabled are submitted to the social care department of the Vilnius Academy of Arts within 10 days from the beginning of the semester. A copy of the disabled person's certificate, passport, and certificate of studies are attached to the application for financial support.
More information about financial assistance for disabled students - is on the website of the Department of Disabled Affairs under the Ministry of Social Security and Labour.
Kazys Klimašauskas, head of the social welfare department
Maironio str. 6, room 121, Vilnius
Tel. (8 5) 210 5460
Mob. 8 686 10 039
Targeted benefit for disabled students studying in higher education institutions
In accordance with the Description of the procedure for Granting Targeted benefits to the disabled studying in higher education institutions, approved by the Order of September 12, 2011, of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania No. V-1666 "On the approval of the description of the procedure for Granting Targeted benefits to the disabled studying in higher education institutions" and the provisions on awarding benefits to the disabled studying in higher education institutions, approved by the Order of the Director of the State Study Fund of April 16, 2012, No. V1-29 "Regarding "Approval of Provisions for Granting Targeted Benefits to Disabled Persons Studying at Higher Education Institutions" (hereinafter - Description), we inform you that every semester the submission of applications through the Information System of Scholarships and Financial Support for Students (hereinafter - IS "SUPPORT") for the targeted payment for the autumn/spring semester of the main admission begins to get during.
In order to receive a targeted payment (EUR 152 each month) during additional admission, students must log in to IS "PARAMA" via the Foundation's website and electronically fill out a request in the prescribed form (Targeted payment fall/spring semester).
Only after completing the application in this way, the student can apply for the targeted payment during the additional admission.
Please note that the targeted payment for students is allocated for one semester of study and is paid every month until the end of that semester, including the session and vacation period of that semester, but no longer than until the end of studies. A student who fills out an application during additional admission is granted a targeted payment only for the remainder of the semester.
The targeted benefit is provided to disabled students who meet the following conditions:
Targeted payments are available to ALL high school students, regardless of whether their high school is a project partner. Targeted payments are awarded for one semester (including the vacation period). In order to receive a targeted payment, students must submit according to the procedure and deadlines established by the higher education institution.
Documents required to receive the targeted benefit:
The payment of the target benefit is suspended if the level of work capacity changes (the level of work capacity is determined to be higher than 45 percent) or the student acquires academic debts or penalties in accordance with the procedure established by the higher education institution.
You can find more information about the targeted payment for disabled students on the website of the State Study Fund.
State-Supported Loans are preferential loans for students issued through the selected credit institutions (banks) for one academic year. All students enrolled on the first, second and third cycle, integrated and non-degree studies at higher education institutions in Lithuania can apply for a State-Supported Loan.
In accordance with the description of the procedure for granting, administering, and repaying state-sponsored student loans, the following state-sponsored loans will be provided to Lithuanian higher education students in the autumn semester.
Types of loans:
HOW and WHEN to apply for this?
To receive a state-funding loan, go to the website of The State Studies Foundation and fill out and submit the borrower's application.
Spring semester (2024 update)
from February 5 08:00, until March 4, 15:00
Autumn semester (2024 update)
To be announced in August. Usually, the deadline is the middle of September.
The main institution that organizes and operates with state funding in Lithuania - The State Studies Foundation.
WHO can apply? Check your eligibility criteria.
According to The State Studies Foundation, a State-funding loan is available to:
Citizens of the EU, EEA and the Swiss Confederation, as well as citizens of the United Kingdom, who until the transition period established in 2020 January 24 have acquired the right to live in the Republic of Lithuania as citizens of a member state of the European Union, who have the right to live permanently in Lithuania or who have the status of an employee, self-employed person, as well as persons who maintain such status and their family members, citizens of other foreign countries and persons without citizenship who have the right to permanently to live in the Republic of Lithuania.
Dormitory fee
The fee for the dormitory - (payment code 103029) - by paying to the current accounts of the Vilnius Academy of Arts at "Swedbank", AB:
Vilnius faculty students pay to - LT44 7300 0100 0245 5498
Telšiai faculty students pay to - LT98 7300 0101 3038 7535
Important for parents who pay for children! Be sure to indicate the student's name, surname, and personal ID code in the payment destination field. Payments received without student data may not be credited or credited to the wrong student.
For companies paying students, please contact Accounting Department by e-mail regarding issuing an invoice. by mail buhalterija@vda.lt or tel. +370 5 210 5469.
Payment for studies
The fee for studies - (payment code 103030) - paying to the current accounts of the Vilnius Academy of Arts at Swedbank,
AB: Vilnius faculty students pay - LT44 7300 0100 0245 5498
Kaunas faculty students pay - LT45 7300 0101 3038 7519
Telšiai faculty students pay - LT98 7300 0101 3038 7535
Klaipėda faculty students pay - LT28 7300 0101 4606 0891
Important for parents who pay for children! Be sure to indicate the student's name, surname, and personal ID code in the payment destination field. Payments received without student data may not be credited or credited to the wrong student.
For companies paying students, please contact Accounting Department by e-mail regarding issuing an invoice. by mail buhalterija@vda.lt or tel. +370 5 210 5469..
Deposit for the dormitory
The deposit for the dormitory - (payment code 103031) - can be paid to the checking account of the Vilnius Academy of Arts LT95 7300 0100 3737 0797, located at "Swedbank", AB.
Parents paying for students! Be sure to indicate the student's name, surname, student ID code in the payment destination field. Payments received without student data may not be credited or credited to the wrong student.
For companies paying students, please contact Accounting Department by e-mail regarding issuing an invoice. by mail buhalterija@vda.lt or tel. +370 5 210 5469
Rates for graduation documents and additional services at VDA
VDA rates for copies, duplicates, certificates and additional services
Retaking the subject exam - 55 EUR (1 BSI - basic social benefit).
Repeat course credit – 55 EUR (1 BSI - basic social benefit)
Regarding the repeated preparation and defense of the thesis:
with a supervisor – 440 Eur (8 BSI)
without a supervisor – 165 Eur (3 BSI).