We remember the good experience of art support fair in spring and in winter – and we are grateful for everyone who contributed. Since year 2023 is coming to an end, we are organising a Christmas / Ukraine support art fair.
When? On November 30th – December 3rd (first weekend of winter), from 12 am to 8 pm.
Where? VDA Campus C, Chess Hall (Malūnų str. 5, Vilnius)
How to contribute? We kindly invite students, professors, graduates, artists, and anyone who are willing to contribute works to bring them to VDA Graphics department (Malunu str. 5) 321 aud. before the fair from 10am to 5 pm); if You have any questions or would like to reserve time for coming please write: menomuge@vda.lt
Please submit your works ready for sale - with a metric of the work, the price and the artist’s contact details. All works are accepted - paintings, prints, ceramics, etc.
Thank You!