The average cost of living per month in Vilnius
Average monthly living expenses are estimated from 500 to 1200 EUR, depending on the type of accommodation and individual needs.
Average prices
Vilnius Faculty Guest house: 70-120 EUR
Flat/room rent in the city centre: 350-900 EUR
Meals in the city centre: 6-12 EUR
Public transport monthly student ticket: 5,80 EUR
Public transport single student ticket: 0,33 EUR
The average cost of living per month in Kaunas
Average monthly living expenses are estimated from 400 to 700 EUR, depending on the type of accommodation and individual needs.
Average prices
Student house Solo society: from 329 EUR
Flat/room rent in the city centre: 100-400 EUR
Meals in the city centre: 4-9 EUR
Public transport monthly student ticket: 5,60 EUR
Public transport single student ticket: 0,35 EUR
The average cost of living per month in Klaipėda
Average monthly living expenses are estimated from 400 to 700 EUR, depending on the type of accommodation and individual needs.
Average prices
Flat/room rent in the city centre: 300-600 EUR
Meals in the city centre: 6-12 EUR
Public transport monthly student ticket: 1 zone- 4,30 EUR, 2 zones- 8,20 EUR, 3 zones - 11,00 EUR
Public transport single student ticket: 0,32 EUR
The average cost of living per month in Telšiai
Average monthly living expenses are estimated from 200 to 500 EUR, depending on the type of accommodation and individual needs.
Average prices
Telšiai Faculty Guest house: 100 EUR
Flat/room rent in the city centre: 150-250 EUR
Meals in the city centre: 3-8 EUR
Public transport monthly student ticket: 3,40 EUR
Public transport single student ticket: 0,20 EUR