2018 Graphic Art Master's The Final Creative projects
Vasarė Krugždaitė. Installation "Fungi in context", 2018
Fungi in context is interactive installation which consists from „exposition guide“- digital book and seven different stories – installation form artworks. The stories in digital book introduce the environment we do not know, and the installation of artworks enhance the cognition of fungi through such senses as smell, sight, touch, taste. So, it is an acquaintance with your senses afresh. Anxiety, impatience, fear, hesitation also fit into one space. Growth, transformation into a different matter, transformation of things, influence on nature, human life, society at large - all this can be in the context of fungi.
Greta Alice Liekytė. Installation "Self bodies", 2018
With this work I’m trying to present human minds, mood and experiences which caused derealization and depersonalization disorder. With the help of scientific and fiction literature, and also my own experience, I analysing the cause of these disorders, process, symptoms and influence for everyday life. Many of these symptoms can be familiar for people who have never experienced derealization or depersonalization long term disorders. These two disorders are very close to corporeality, that’s why great attention is paid to the perception of one's own and other bodies. Written work is divided into seven equal sections: instructions how to separate dreams and reality, uncertain memories, thoughts that arise in a depersonalized mind, communication with yourself with the help of letters, association of words, and perception of one's physical body. A person undergoing demilitarization and depersonalization often experiences the so-called dream state, which is extremely difficult to distinguish from reality, the body and environment often seem alien, bizarre, and surreal. This is the reason why in my writing work I refuse to follow a consistent sequence of events, reject male and female roles while I speak as main person. With the help of black color and gray tones, I purposefully mix reality and dreams with each other, trying to create the atmosphere that occurs when ones dealing with already mentioned disorders. It is never clear whether remembering is true or whether it is a fragment from the dream; it is also never clear how many bodies and voices live in you. So in this writing work I let all the bodies speak.
With this work I’m trying to present human minds, mood and experiences which caused derealization and depersonalization disorder. These disorders usually cause so-called dream state, when ones feel unfamiliar and detached from the normal world. All surrounding become unfamiliar and frightening. Also derealization and deperspnalization disorders are closely related to corporeality, that’s why great attention is paid to the perception of one's own and other bodies.