Professor Audrius Klimas
Head of Graphic Design Department

Study subjects:
Graphic design 3,4,5
Typography 2
Practice and creative workshops 2
Bachelor’s degree project

Professor Aušra Lisauskienė

Study subjects:
Graphic design 1-7
Practice and creative workshops
Bachelor’s degree project


Professor Robertas Jucaitis

Study subjects:
Graphic design 1,3,6
Art of presentation
Practice and creative workshops 2, 3
Bachelor’s degree project


Associate professor Marius Žalneravičius

Study subjects:
Visual communications
Typography 1
Practice and creative workshops 2, 3
Bachelor’s degree project

Lector Vincentas Vienožinskis

Study subjects:
Graphic design 7
Interactive multimedia



Associate professor dr. Sigitas Gužauskas

Study subjects:
Graphic design 3,5
Interactive multimedia
Design expression
 Bachelor’s degree project


Associate professor dr. Kristė Kibildytė Klimienė

Study subjects:
Digital and print technologies,
Visual Communication
Bachelor’s degree project

Lector Aušra Jasiukevičiūtė

Study subjects:
Three-dimensional design basics



Associate professor dr.  Rūta Mickienė

Study subjects:
Graphic design 2
History of Graphic design
Bachelor’s degree project