The Garden of Earthly Delights – It’s the name for a visual insight into the contemporary World, existentialism and the absurdity of life. In this fictitious garden you will see some colorful woodcut prints which are laughing at irrationality of the Universe, ironically criticizing the popular culture and at the same time unconditionally accepting this weird existence. Surrounding chaos makes reality unbelievable, Truman show-like play. Maybe we really do live in some kind of a simulation? Depressed Eve has escaped from the paradise, Camp-ish Adam, Beverly Hills Chihuahuas, Teletubbies in the middle of a card game and other great creatures will make you ask “What on Earth is going on???”.
>> What’s real and what’s not? Are the things on TV real? If the Earth is flat, does it mean that we are too? Please turn on the other channel! The new penguin reality show is on!!!
Dainora Vingytė is 4th year student at graphic department, plays keys at post-punk band and distorts already distorted reality. She makes woodcut prints with a spoon at home in her little room. By this way she is able to make prints in collage-like way using multiple different wood reliefs for a single work. Young artist converts stuck messages from the pop and contemporary culture, therefore this archaic technique becomes more "pop". She is the happiest when she can just laugh at the absurdity of this existence by making ridiculous and almost kitch-like art.
This exhibition will open right through your black mirrors - in Facebook's event posts section.
It is your responsibility to take care of a glass and delights of your choice.
Virtual exhibition
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