Vilnius Academy of Arts starts a new digital gallery!

VAA digital gallery RIZOMA
No physical space…no barriers…no boundaries…no distance…no limits…no hierarchy

Why Rizoma?

Rhizoma is both a philosophical and a biological term. Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari use the terms "rhizome" and "rhizomatic" to describe theory and research that allows multiple, non-hierarchical entry and exit points into/out of the data representation and interpretation.  

What is Rizoma Gallery? 

It is the VAA digital gallery,; the aim of which is to connect visually and virtually all divisions, galleries and departments of the Academy. Due to its multiplicity, future prospects, growth and organics this platform has been named as Rizoma.

What can happen in Rizoma Gallery? 

All VAA departments and divisions (galleries, etc.), students and employees can propose their virtual, digital projects at any time. Cultural events, taking place at Vilnius Academy of Arts, can be followed in this virtual space. Virtual exhibitions of artists (as well as guest artists) and students, videos, photo galleries of ongoing and past exhibitions at the galleries, student final BA/MA projects, video interviews, etc. can be presented here.