Fashion Design | Undergraduate | Vilnius


Prof. Dr. Renata Maldutienė  

Head of Fashion Design Department and Bachelor's study program  

BA study subjects: Basics of fashion design, Conceptual fashion design, Western Costume History, Fashion design 
MA study subjects: Fashion trend forecasting, Research ID of fashion design, Fashion design research experiments

Prof. Jolanta Talaikytė

Head of Mater's study program

BA study subjects: Basics of fashion design, Conceptual fashion design, Industrial fashion design, Fashion drawing 
MA study subjects: Research ID of fashion design, Fashion design research experiments


Assoc. Prof. Alevtina Ščepanova

BA study subjects: Basics of fashion design, Fashion design: mini collection, Conceptual fashion design, Basics of clothing design, technical fashion projects for production, implementation of a fashion accessory, clothes-icons: fashion history
MA study subjects: Research ID of fashion design, Fashion design research experiments

Assoc. Prof. Justė Tarvydienė

BA study subjects: History of fashion, Basics of styling
MA study subjects: Fashion Psychology and Sociology, Fashion design research experiments

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vaidutė Ščiglienė

BA study subjects: Culture project management, Research and fundamentals of academic writing
MA study subjects: Sources of theoretical research, Research Methods, Structure of research

Lecturer Dainius Bendikas

BA study subjects: Conceptual fashion design, Experimental fashion design

Lecturer Evelina Dragūnienė

BA study subjects: Basics of clothing design, Industrial fashion design, Digital fashion drawing

Lecturer Justina Semčenkaitė

BA study subjects: Sustainable fashion, Basics of fashion design, Creative practice

Lecturer Dalia Juodakytė

BA study subjects: Fashion illustration, Digital graphics, Fashion drawing


Lecturer Vilija Šulskienė

BA study subjects: Fashion modeling: "Gerber", Constructional modeling of clothing, Construction/modeling for an individual customer, Proffesional practice

Lecturer Rasa Šapnagienė

Head of tthe Costume Laboratory

BA study subjects: Basics of clothing design and technology, Basics of structural modeling, Design and technology of dresses, Design and technology of jackets

Lecturer Edita Tamošiūnienė

BA study subjects: Construction of industrial products, Construction/modeling for an individual customer, Technological practice, Proffesional practice, Reproduction of patterns

Lecturer Gintarė Lučiūnienė

Specialist in practical students training

BA study subjects: Technological practice

Visiting lecturers:



Assoc. Prof. Edita Sabockytė-Skudienė

Fashion design: mini collection


Lecturer Kristina Kalinauskaitė

High-end fashion design

Lecturer Rita Paškevičienė

Fashion communication


Assoc. Prof. Algimantas Biguzas

Fashion illustration

Lecturer Gertrūda Ramūnaitė

Technical fashion drawing

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nikolaj Ambrucevič

Basics of marketing

Assoc. Prof. Miglė Kibildienė 

Fashion portfolio

Dr. Ginatarė Černiauskaitė

Fashion portfolio

Dr. Eigirdas Žemaitis

Innovative entrepreneurship