Artistic Research Symposium "Not Quite King, Not Quite Fish" runs 8-11th November

Artistic Research Symposium, 8-11 November, 2023. Organised by doctoral students of the Vilnius Academy of Arts and the Lithuanian Theatre and Music Academy. Hosted by the SODAS2123 Cultural Center, Vilnius, Vitebsko str. 23


The symposium Not Quite King, Not Quite Fish is a three-day international event for practitioners of fine arts, cinema, dance, architecture and design. The event emplots the disciplinary diversity of practice-based artistic research. In this broad field, the real and fictive expectations of artmaking and research occasionally collide and fold into each other.

Not quite king, not quite fish, doctoral candidates based in Vilnius have turned to the animal queendom for answers. During the symposium, they will dive into brackish waters like the kingfisher (alcedo atthis). With contributors from all over the world, the three-day program explores durational and performative forms of presentation and collective experimentation as research. The program, curated by doctoral students, includes four thematic streams. The Architecture, Art, Bureaucracy cluster treats bureaucracy as a space of intervention. Flying Potatoes refuse commodification. Microscopic Gestures explore the critical potential of cinema when performed with the ongoing vitality of the process itself. Empathy and Ecology examines ideas of co-worlding and tacitly shares artworks that collaboratively emerge with(in) ecological systems. The event, whose main language is international English, is designed to facilitate the conversation between practitioners, practices, approaches and beliefs about disciplinarity, research and the promise of communicating artworks as epistemic things.

We are pleased to be welcoming: Dr. Audronė Žukauskaitė, Paulina Pukytė, Ben Spatz, Yen Chun Lin, Joseph Gold Hendel, Nina Liebenberg, Dániel Máté, Ulvi Haagensen, Dr. Maren Witte, Hannah Foley, Dr Madeleine Trigg, Fadwa Bouziane, Alessio Alonne and Sei Iturriaga Sauco, Kateřina Olivová, Janina Hoth, Darren O’Brien, Jürgen Buchinger, Caitlin Magda Shepherd, Katharina Swoboda, Eglė Grėbliauskaitė, Ruth Anderwald + Leonhard Grond and Leo Hosp, Coby-Rae Crosbie, Elise Adamsrød, George Finley Ramsey, Maija Demitere, Jasper Llewellyn and Daniel S. Evans, Polina Golovátina-Mora, Lydia Debeer, Arnas Anskaitis, Pedro Florencio, Aistė Ambrazevičiūtė to share their research!

On the occasion of the symposium we have put together two exhibitions. The Martini Effect includes moving image work (as research). The Long Table is an exhibition presenting the places where most of our day-to-day work is carried out. It accommodates (and in this instance - exhibits) both thinking, as well as writing and making, tools, materials, glue and tape, samples, failures, successes, joys of exploration and frustrations of lack of convincing results.

For the detailed program, please follow this link:

The event is free and open for the public, registration is requested;

The Martini Effect
Wednesday, 8th 18:00 – 22:00 pm
Thursday, 9th, 18:20 – 22:00 pm
Friday 10th, 18:20 – 22:00 pm

An exhibition of moving image works by Pedro Florêncio, Lydia Debar, Kipras Dubauskas, Darren O’Brien, Migle Krizinauskaitė-Bernotienė, Sophie Durand, Greta Grineviciute, Madaleine Trigg, Miklós Ambrózy, Rasa Jančiauskaitė.
Curated by by Sophie Durand and Miklós Ambrózy with the support of the Why Cut When You Can Fade collective (Greta Grinevičiutė, Migle Krizinauskaitė-Bernotienė, Miklós Ambrózy)

The Long Table
Akin to to places where most of our day-to-day work is carried out, the exhibition The Long Table accommodates (and in this instance - exhibits) both thinking, as well as writing and making, tools, materials, glue and tape, samples, failures, successes, joys of exploration and frustrations of lack of convincing results.
Featuring material musings by Indrė Liškauskaitė, Simona Rukuižaitė, Migle Krizinauskaitė-Bernotienė, Miklós Ambrózy, Aistė Ambrazevičiūtė, Marta Frėjutė, Justina Semčenkaitė, Sophie Durand, Greta Grinevičiūtė, Gerda Liudvinavičiūtė, Rasa Jančiauskaitė, Ulvi Haagensen and Alaya Ang, Adomas Žudys.

Organised by Povilas Marozas and Sophie Durand