Due to popular demand, we've renewed our subscription to the electronic journals database Flipster on the EBSCOhost platform. Current and back issues on architecture, design, photography, ceramics, art world news. Some of the subscribed publishers: American Ceramic Society; Aperture Foundation; Architecture Media Pty Ltd.; Artforum International Corporation; Azure Publishing Inc.; Coyne & Blanchard Inc.; Frame Publishers; Indesign Media Asia Pacific.
Flipster subscribed collection includes:
ARTnews (archive)
Creative Quarterly (archive)
Elephant (archive)
Green Magazine (archive)
Habitus (archive)
Juxtapoz Art & Culture Magazine
Magazin'art (archive)
New Criterion (archive)
Access methods:
1. From VAA computers– free access.
2. From personal computer via EZproxy.
Journals are also available on mobile devices. Back issues available by selecting „All issues“.
Effective search happens with choosing a journal and selecting: „Search > All issues“.
If you have any questions, contact us by e-mail vaida.jankauskaite@vda.lt.
Don't forget to check our list of subscribed databases, databases in trial, and open access links.