In 2024 all BA, MA, and integrated studies graduating students will have to upload their thesis to the eLABa ETD depository.
We also invite graduating students and their thesis supervisors to participate in consultations (room 205, Maironio st. 6, Vilnius, or remote via Google Meet):
Individual consultations are available by email or by phone: (+370 5) 2105457
The upload process has three steps:
Student uploads their thesis including research and creative parts. We recommend doing this at least 10 days before the thesis defense. By way of an exception (which must be previously arranged), you can email the finished creative part to then it will be uploaded to the system by the librarian.
The thesis supervisor accepts the thesis after checking for plagiarism. We recommend doing this at least 7 days before the thesis defense. Important! The supervisors of final theses in the field of art history and the advisors of explanatory essays of bachelor’s theses in the field of art studies (in their absence – the supervisors of final theses) and the supervisors of research parts of master’s theses shall get acquainted with the originality reports of final theses and approve the works as fit to be defended (send e-licence agreements to authors for signing/printing in eLABa repository).
Student confirms electronic license agreement. We recommend doing this at least 5 days before the thesis defense. Important! The uploaded thesis, which has already been defended can only be changed after a motivated request from the thesis author with written agreements from the thesis supervisor and head of the responsible study program committee.
While preparing your thesis please follow the description of the procedure for the completion, presentation, defence, and evaluation of the final thesis. Upload to the system will take place as scheduled with the responsible departments.
Theses that have not been uploaded may not be defended.
For Students:
For Supervisors: