On November 28-29 sound artists and researcher Rune Søchting will be visiting at the Vilnius Academy of Arts.
Lecture “A Noisy Secret”
November 28, 2:00 pm., auditorium 102, Malūnų st. 3
Noise has played a prominent role within the history of art and music in the 20th and 21st century. It has often been identified as something other - as a material presence underlying a salient figure, as an unwanted part of a transmission or as a kind of disturbance. If one follows perspectives presented in the philosophy of among others French philosopher Michel Serres, noise is not just to be found within the domain of human experience but is a fundamental aspect of all processes and emergent phenomena. This presentation will apply this wider understanding of noise in order to explore how the concept of noise can serve as a way to elucidate a dynamic aspect of artworks.
Lecture “Sound - Invisibility”
November 29, 1:00 pm., auditorium 102, Malūnų st. 3
This presentation will discuss sound as a relational phenomenon and as a site-specific event. With two statements regarding the audible realm the lecture will explore the spatiality of sound in artistic practice:
1. Sound as a sensorial phenomenon has a particular spatial logic allowing a listener to relate to his/her environment beyond what is visible.
2. The presence of a sound involves a relational order that determines how we orient and navigate in a given situation.
The presentation will use these two statements as coordinates in order to navigate through a possible artistic field of practice involving sound, presenting relevant art-historical examples.
Rune Søchting is a Phd from Copenhagen University and The Royal Danish Academy of Art, Schools of Visual Art. In his work he is concerned with the role of circumstances for aesthetic experience as well as their social and political consequences. He involves himself in projects where these questions are addressed both practically and theoretically. His artistic practice unfolds in the intersection of musical composition, performance and installation. He has made a number of curatorial projects and published articles on sound art and visual art.
Students wishing to present their artistic work, please fill in registration form.
Moderator prof. Henrik B. Andersen.
Open lectures and discussions are in English.