We kindly invite you to take part in the Erasmus+ competition for exchange studies abroad during the 2025/2026 academic year. You can choose to apply for the mobility during the Autumn or Spring semester.
All BA, MA, and PhD students are welcome to apply. If you are interested, please fill in this application form between the 6th of February and the 2nd of March.
In order to submit an online application, please make sure you are using your VDA email account. Once you submit your application successfully, you should receive a confirmation upon successful submission. In case you do not get such confirmation, please contact the VDA International Office prior to the application deadline. Late applications will not be accepted.
You can choose the host university for your Erasmus+ exchange from the list of VDA partner universities (you can access the partner list only via your VDA account).
The selection process is carried out by the VDA Internationalisation Group according to the following criteria:
- Academic grades of the last semester (average of academic grades x 0.7)
- Motivational assessment (questionnaire x 0.3)
- An additional 0.1 point is added to the competitive score for mentoring international students
- A student who participates in the Erasmus+ mobility for studies for the first time at this level of study receives an additional 0.3 points to the competitive score
- An additional score is also added to the BA students who plan their mobility during their 3rd year of study.
All applicants are obliged to have the minimum B2 level in English (or another language of instruction of the host university).
The selection results will be announced before the 10th of March (at the latest) by email.
More information on Erasmus+ exchange for studies can be found in the Outgoing Student section of the website.
Please note that having won the VDA Erasmus+ scholarship competition does not guarantee your acceptance to your chosen university. If your application is successful you will be contacted by the International Relations Office regarding further nomination and application steps.
Each student must not exceed 12 months of mobility (for studies + for traineeships + short-term mobilities) during one study cycle (BA/MA/PhD).
If you have any questions please contact Elena - elena.orloviene@vda.lt.