Scenography (Cinema and Media) (LT)
Prof. Elena Virginija Idzelytė Dautartienė
- Scenographic Composition and Stage Costume
- Theater Visual Language
- Supervises BA and MA theses and projects

Assoc. prof. Giedrė Brazytė
- Scenographic Composition and Stage Costume
- Theatre Technologies and Construction
- Puppetry Theater Composition and Puppetry Techniques
- Theater Visual Language
- Supervises BA and MA theses and projects

Assoc. prof. Jurgita Gerdvilaitė
- Film Scenography Design Composition and Film Costume
- Film Scenography Composition and Costume
- Cinema Visual Language
- Supervises BA and MA theses and projects
Assoc. prof. dr. Dalia Ramutė Karatajienė
- Lithuanian Theatre Arts
- Theatre History
- Supervises MA theses

Lect. Jurgita Jankutė-Mirinavičienė
- Scenographic Composition and Stage Costume
- History and Construction of the Costume in Western Europe
- History and Construction of the Oriental Costume
Assoc. prof. Gintaras Palemonas Janonis
- Painting Composition and Techniques
- Visual strategies
- Supervises creative projects
- Supervises BA and MA theses and projects

Prof. Živilė Jasutytė
- Painting Composition and Techniques
- Visual strategies
- Supervises creative projects
- Supervises BA and MA theses and projects
Assoc. prof. Vygantas Paukštė
- Painting Composition and Techniques
- Supervises creative projects
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Prof. Kęstutis Grigaliūnas
- Drawing
- Supervises creative projects
- Supervises BA and MA theses and projects
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Assoc. prof. Algimantas Kensminas
- Basics of sculptural plastic
- Mosaic composition and techniques
- Supervises creative projects
- Supervises BA and MA theses and projects

Assoc. prof. Žydrūnas Mirinavičius
- Stained-glass composition and techniques
- Painting on glass techniques
- History of monumental art
- Contemporary art in architecture
- Supervises creative projects
- Supervises BA and MA theses and projects
Assoc. prof. dr. Vygintas Orlovas
Head of the Site-specific Art and Scenography department
- Transformation of artistic expression. Relations of sound and image
- Basics of interactive art
- Pure date software environment
- Supervises BA and MA theses and projects

Agnė Mackevičiūtė-Kensminė
Coordinator of the Site-specific Art and Scenography department