Art Project 1
At the beginning of the course, an individual study plan is drawn up, defining the problematic field of creativity and the direction of artistic research. The work further deals with the master-level presentation of the topic presented in various possible contexts, analyzing, discussing and modelling visions. The analysis of the topic and various variants of the expression of ideas are presented during the master’s seminars, in which all lecturers, students, other stakeholders or guests of the master’s program participate in the discussions. Simultaneously, technological experiments are carried out, and the issues of exposition presentation of the solutions of this stage are considered. This semester emphasizes the importance of artistic research and the assessment of the contemporary art / design situation, a broad study of context and art analogues. The focus falls on the importance of sustainable processes in the fields and processes of contemporary artistic and functional textiles. The important role of textiles in meeting the needs of a sustainable life and a sustainable society is emphasized as well.
Research paper 1 of the final Master’s Thesis
During the first stage of the development of the research paper / theoretical part, the master student specifies the topic of the research paper related to the final creative project, discusses the questions related to the selection and formulation of the main problem, goals and objectives and the possible structure of the paper; then the student makes the schedule for the work process and the submission deadlines; at the end of the first stage, the Master’s student submits an introduction to the theoretical part of the final paper and a detailed work plan (estimated structure of the paper, with the main theses formulated). The introduction must contain the following elements of the artistic research: the relevance, novelty and originality of the topic of the work must be revealed on the basis of the survey of the sources and historiography; it also must include the discussion of the extent to which the problem and the subject discussed in the paper have been previously researched; then the object of research should be defined, and the aims and objectives of the paper formulated, following by the establishment of the connection of the research paper with the creative project; finally, the collected literature and sources must be presented, emphasizing their content and the most important problems; lists of references, literature and illustrations are compiled, and illustrations are provided.
Art Project 2
The course analyzes the solutions of the chosen topic, planning the further stages of the creative work, taking into consideration the possibilities of public presentation of works. It also includes the well-supported, technological research that responds to personal interests and individual aesthetic and ideological needs, while the conceptual approach to material and its use in a work of art is encouraged. The correlation of material, technique and idea is analyzed using “thinking through doing” and “material-based thinking” creative methods. The material collected during the whole course is systematized. A version of an individual art project is carried out and presented. In the middle of the semester, a seminar takes place to discuss the master theses. During the seminar, not only do the students present and analyze their creative process, but they also discuss and comment the work of their peers.
Research paper 2 of the final Master’s Thesis
During the second stage of the development of the research paper / theoretical part, the introduction is expanded and the two parts of the body of the text following the introduction must be developed. At the end of this stage, the following must be achieved: the problem established in the paper must be defined as clearly as possible; proper examination of the literature and visual material dedicated to the problem raised in the paper must take place, the empirical data required for the research must be reviewed; the planned structure of the work must be introduced; the main research methods must be described; the concepts and terms used in the work must be explained; the research material must be presented in a logical and reasoned manner; the two parts of the text following the introduction must correspond to the main line of the topic of the work; each chapter and subsection concludes with brief conclusions summarizing the ideas expressed in the text; footnotes and references, illustrations, lists of sources, literature, and illustrations provided as required.
Art Project 3
The course summarizes the experience gained during the master’s studies, improving the ways of the practical execution of the ideas of the art project, planning the scope thereof and the stages of the final work implementation. The individual creative strategy is then refined, while the originality and authenticity of the artistic expression is highlighted. All the experience of the artistic research and creative activity is reflected not only in the context of today, but also in the context of future perspectives, taking into account the achievements of the scientific innovations and the possibilities to contribute to them. The benefits of the holistic thinking and interdisciplinary action are emphasized, opening up perspectives for innovation that responds to the professional, social and cultural needs of society.
Research paper 3 of the final Master’s Thesis
During the third stage of the development of the research paper / theoretical part, the introduction is expanded further, the third part of the body and conclusions must be produced as well. At the end of this stage, the following must be completed: the proper analysis and systemisation of literature and visual material dedicated to the problem raised in the work must also be carried out already; the structure and scope of the work are described; the text analysing the topic must correspond to the main line of the topic of the work and reveal the links between the theoretical and practical / creative work; conclusions on research gaps and shortcomings must be made; further development of the text must answer the questions and complete the tasks raised in the introduction; the conclusions must summarize the main results of the whole work and formulate proposals based on them; the lists of references, literature and illustrations must be made according to the requirements; the text is illustrated with the visual material, various appendices are added at the end.
The Final MA project
This semester involves summarizing and linking the practical and theoretical parts of the artistic project, while the independently created final project must correlate to the chosen research direction, organising the stages of its implementation and presentation. The exhibition space of the work must be chosen responsibly, finding a well-supported exhibition solution that responds best to the idea. The emphasis falls on the importance of presenting the work and communicating the idea (both in the image and in the correct, cohesive text). The final work demonstrates the student’s level of creativity, the ability to independently apply the latest ideas, practical knowledge and technologies in creative work, analyze, summarize and draw conclusions about a wide range of special art contexts, with the focus on the criteria of professionalism, topicality of the topic, personal creative originality.
Research paper 4 of the final Master’s Thesis
In the final stage of the research paper / theoretical part, the work is edited and prepared for the public defence. The first version of the text is presented in the middle of this stage. The master student, having received permission to defend the theoretical part of the final master’s thesis, takes into account the remarks and comments made and prepares the final version of the text 1 month prior to the scheduled day of public defence.