Programme code 


Qualification degree

Master of Arts

Level of qualification

University studies, Second cycle, graduate (Master's)

Mode of study                            

Full-time, 2 years, 120 credits


To prepare highly qualified scenographers who meet international standards and have a unique style, who are able to engage responsibly and with high quality in individual creative activities and work independently and / or in an interdisciplinary team.
To develop artists capable of creating intellectual and artistic values, popularizing them, at the same time raising the prestige of the field of culture and contributing to the creation of public welfare, seeking to raise professional qualifications, ready for postgraduate studies and / or scientific activities.
To develop independent, critical-thinking, full-fledged and competitive personalities open to cultural and technical innovations for the art and culture market.

Profile of study programme

MA scenography students will deepen the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary for scenography (scenography composition, application and use of techniques, technologies and materials, character development and stage costume design, puppet theater and cinema), get acquainted with innovations and current issues in these fields. Will analyze the peculiarities and phenomena of the development of conceptual, contemporary theater, film scenography (and adjacent art trends), and will formulate reasoned observations in writing and orally. Will develop the ability to understand the trends of contemporary theater and cinema, the diversity of directing language and its means of expression. Will develop the knowledge of the specialty of scenography to be applied in other fields, i. television, public events, space design, etc. Will develop communication skills, teamwork skills, the ability to coordinate their work with partners. It will be encouraged to integrate into today's creative processes (participate in various creative associations, Lithuanian and international theater and film festivals, projects, exhibitions, competitions, symposiums and other events).
Will deepen the skills of scientific work and its representation, knowledge and skills of art criticism. Will develop their knowledge and skills to convey to the audience (work in pedagogical work), discuss the results of their activities with colleagues, present and argue their creative concepts not only to specialists in the field, but also to a wide audience. Will develop an understanding of the changing social context, learn to orientate and adapt in it, to apply entrepreneurship.

Occupational profiles of graduates

The graduate of the program will be able to realize not only in a specific specialty (scenography), but will have sufficient skills to work as a freelance artist, will be able to continue third-cycle studies, engage in scientific and pedagogical activities.

Study programme coordinator and study organization department

Assoc. prof. Jurgita Gerdvilaitė
Vilnius faculty, Department of Site-Specific Art and Scenography

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