Photography and Media Art (LT, EN)

Exhibition #FAMM.MA2020.doc

  As artistic research in various fields of activities is the main aim of the MA program, this exhibition will demonstrate how often they extend beyond the usual concept of artists’ activities. The title refers to a text file which contains theoretic part of artistic research as well as creative part of a project. At the same time the problematic of artistic labour is touched upon. What happens when an artist becomes a DJ of his exhibition opening party, a bartender and an entertainer, a poster designer, a photographer, a logistics manager, a carpenter and first of all – a researcher. What does material and immaterial artistic labour look like?
  During this exhibition photographs, cyanotype prints, projections, installations, ready-mades, transpositions, performances, interactive games, radio programs and new music albums were presented and played. Young artists are interested in artist as a saint, as well as margins of faith and art communities, also themes such as movement, fallout, separation, aesthetics of work and bureaucracy, relativity of photographic representation, after-hours work.

  Artists: Marija Černiavskaitė, Dominyka Čiplytė, Ernestas Tatlauskas, Lidija Kaleinikovaitė, Šarūnas
Kvietkus, Martynas Norvaišas, Ekvilina Milaševičiūtė, Kotryna Briedytė.

Gallery “Atletika”.

Documentation - Andrej Vasilenko

  The exhibition was organised by Vilnius Academy of Arts Photography and Media Art Department and
Lithuanian Interdisciplinary Artists’ Association. Partly supported by Lithuanian Council for Culture.

  FAMM.MA = final MA projects in Photography, Animation and Media Art. MA program is led by professor
Artūras Raila, a National Award recipient.
  Vilnius Academy of Arts Photography and Media Art Department is running a BA study program in
Animation and both BA and MA study programs in Photography and Media Art. More information