Fulbright Programme

The Fulbright Program is one of several United States Cultural Exchange Programs whose goal is to improve intercultural relations, cultural diplomacy, and intercultural competence between the people of the United States and other countries through the exchange of persons, knowledge, and skills.
It is sponsored by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the United States Department of State and administered under policy guidelines established by the William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board.

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Professor Arūnas Ošlapas | Western Washington University
Academic year 2019/2020, autumn semester, Department of Design

So far the experience at VAA has been awesome! There are some very talented students here. I have also visited the other three campuses (Kaunas, Telšiai, and Klaipėda) and did a similar presentation as I did in Vilnius <...> 
In Vilnius, I am team teaching a Sustainable Design workshop with Barbora Adamonytė and product design students from the second, third, and fourth year. They have different levels of skills but the the assignment works well with all levels. The workshop is called 'ReMatters' (named by the students) and it is a 'sustainable entrepreneur' project that involves creating 'up-cycled' kitchen products from reused or discarded materials. 

Each student designs a product and then manufactures a quantity of 20 to be sold at at an exhibition on 13 December at the local business Denim Diaries. They experience creating a product from 'idea-to-store-shelf' and are responsible for each phase of development which includes producing 20 products, packaging, pricing, advertising/promotion, retail display, accounting, and each taking a shift working at the local design business selling the products for one week!
One of the goals of this experience is to help them in the future if they ever want to begin marketing or producing one of their own ideas.

Professor Arūnas Ošlapas

Anthony Edwin Stellaccio | Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC
Academic year 2016/2017, spring semester, Department of Ceramics

Peter Briggs | Helen DeVitt Jones curator of art at the Museum of Texas Tech University
Academic year 2015/2016, spring semester, Department of Art History and Theory