Latvian ceramicist Inese Brants has chosen porcelain for her ceramic paintings because porcelain provides a white background against which she can express her colours and vibrant decoration. Her style of painting is characterised by clean lines and decorative surface areas together with sturdy and solid stylisation of the image. She explores every possibility offered by the medium.
The main figurative components of Inese’s imagery are the human form especially the female one, but also animals, birds, fish and flowers. She creates real women in convincing poses whilst also revealing an insight into their thoughts. Her work is compositionally perfect with a harmonious balance between form and painting. Her influences have clear strong roots in Latvian historical porcelain paintings in the national constructive style of the BALTARS Studio (1924 – 1928).
With qualifications from the Latvian Academy of Arts and a Masters Degree, Inese has had numerous solo shows in Latvia, exhibiting also in capitals such as London and Paris; as well as diverse countries of Hungary, Estonia, Croatia, Poland, Spain, the Netherlands and Norway, for example. Her exciting colourful ceramic paintings combine historical references of the decorative arts period with her own interpretation of nature, resulting in her works having a degree of elegance together with elements of play and whimsy.
Inese`s unique and exciting blend of different types of porcelain painting contains a complex interplay of European decorative techniques and current social issues. The most important aspect of her work relates to her will to survive any darkness or difficulty that life holds. On one level, this interplay provides a dynamic between the piece and us, the beholder. Her distinctive interpretations call into question many of our preconceptions about porcelain, craft and even beauty.
Inese has boldly created a number of large beautifully hand-built works of art, including a stunning jar in the permanent exhibition in Panevesis, Lithuania which stands at 150cms high and is 60cms wide – a photograph is available on request.
Inese has been a Member of Latvian Artists' Union since 1989.
Spalio 29 d. 15.00 val. Inesės Brants tapybos ant porceliano kūrybinės dirbtuvės „Senoji technika šiuolaikinėje interpretacijoje. Rytietiška arba orientalistinė tapyba ant porceliano“ Vilniaus dailės akademijoje.