
Logan, Jason, et al. Make Ink : A Forager’s Guide to Natural Inkmaking  / Jason Logan ; Conversation with Michael Ondaatje ; Photography by Lauren Kolyn. Abrams, 2018.

Judah, Hettie. Lapidarium : The Secret Lives of Stones  / Hettie Judah. First published., John Murray, 2022.

Bjornerud, Marcia, and Haley Hagerman. Geopedia : A Brief Compendium of Geologic Curiosities  / Marcia Bjornerud ; Illustrations by Haley Hagerman. Princeton University Press, 2022.

Cliff, H. (Harry). Space Oddities : The Mysterious Anomalies Challenging Our Understanding of the Universe  / Harry Cliff. Doubleday, 2024.

Marshak, Stephen. Earth : Portrait of a Planet  / Stephen Marshak. Sixth edition., W.W. Norton & Company, 2019.

Gleick, James. Chaos : Making a New Science  / James Gleick. 29th printing., Penguin, 2008.

Vitkauskienė, Birutė Rūta, ir Karolina Glinska. Atrastas Vilnius : kartografiniai ir sociotopografiniai miesto maketo šaltiniai  / Birutė Rūta Vitkauskienė, Karolina Glinska ; vertėja Monika Kisliakovaitė-Čaplikienė. Lietuvos nacionalinis muziejus, 2023.

Openhouse : The Life We Share. Openhouse Project, 2014. Nr. 20
Openhouse : The Life We Share. Openhouse Project, 2014. Nr. 21

Kinfolk. Our Media, 2011.

Scheijen, Sjeng, and Brent Annable. The Avant-Gardists : Artists in Revolt in the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union 1917-1935  / Sjeng Scheijen; [Translated by Brent Annable]. Thames & Hudson, 2024.

Geczy, Adam, and Vicki Karaminas. Queer Style : Including a Chapter on Trans* and Fluid Style  / Adam Geczy and Vicki Karaminas. Revised and Updated edition., Bloomsbury Visual Arts, 2024.

Cork, Richard, and Cornelia Parker. Encounters with Artists  / Richard Cork ; Foreword by Cornelia Parker. Thames & Hudson Inc., 2023.

Borzello, Frances. Seeing Ourselves : Women’s Self-Portraits  / Frances Borzello. This reprint 2023., Thames & Hudson, 2023.

Rams, Dieter, et al. Ten Principles for Good Design: Dieter Rams: The Jorrit Maan Collection  / Edited by Cees W. De Jong ; with Contributions by Klaus Klemp and Erik Mattie. Prestel, 2021.

Skrupskytė Cullbrand, Austė, et al. Playground. Studio playground, 2023.

Sennett, Richard. The Performer : Art, Life, Politics  / Richard Sennett. Penguin Books Ltd, 2024.

Brunner, Orlando. Archeology of Consequent Forms  / Concept and Design: Orlando Brunner. First edition., Maxitype, 2024.

Hinchman, Mark. History of Interior Architecture : Furniture, Design, and Global Culture  / Mark Hinchman. Second edition., Fairchild Books, 2024.

Gabriel, Nikki. Construction Knitting : Knitwear Design with Geometric Shapes  / Nikki Gabriel. Bloomsbury Visual Arts, 2024.

Bolton, Andrew, et al. Sleeping Beauties : Reawakening Fashion  /  First printing., The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2024.
Alaïa, Azzedine, et al. Azzedine Alaïa : A Couturier’s Collection  / Couture Profiles by Olivier Saillard ; Those for the Henri Matise Costumes by Anastasia Ozoline and Charlotte Barat ; Translated from the French by Bethany Wright. Thames & Hudson, 2024.

Counter-Print, redaktorius. Iconic: Icons & Pictograms in Design Today    / Edited and Produced by Counter-Print. Counter-Print, 2024.

Fischli, Fredi, et al. Retail Apocalypse  / Edited by Fredi Fischli , Niels Olsen, and Adam Jasper. gta Verlag, ETH, 2021.

Scher, Paula, et al. Paula Scher:  Works with 910 Illustrations  / Editors: Adrian Shaughnessy and Tony Brook. Thames & Hudson, 2024.

Grundberg, Andy. How Photography Became Contemporary Art : Inside an Artistic Revolution from Pop to the Digital Age  / Andy Grundberg. Yale University Press, 2021.

Moss, Adam. The Work of Art : How Something Comes from Nothing  / Adam Moss. Penguin Press, 2024.

Spicher, Michael Robert, et al. Digital Fashion : Theory, Practice, Implications    / Edited by Michael R. Spicher, Sara Emilia Bernat, and  Doris Domoszlai-Lantner. First published., Bloomsbury Visual Arts, 2024.

Vaughan, Laurene. The Impact of a PhD on Design Practice : International Perspectives  / Laurene Vaughan. First published., Bloomsbury Visual Arts, 2024.

Jullier, Laurent. Looking at Photographs : With 103 Illustrations  / Laurent Jullier. First published., Thames & Hudson Ltd., 2024.

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