
Jono Dovydėno dovanoti leidiniai.

Lees, Sarah. Bonjour, Monsieur Courbet! : the Bruyas collection from the Musée Fabre, Montpellier  / catalogue edited by Sarah Lees ; exhibition curated under the direction of Michel Hilaire and Sylvain Amic. Réunion des musées nationaux, 2004.

Paul LaMantia : A Review: 1967-1982  / Essays by Dennis Adrian. Hyde Park Art Center with Cooperation with Zaks Gallery, Chicago. Hyde Park art center, 1982.

Clark, Kenneth Mackenzie Clark. Civilisation : A Personal View  / Kenneth Clark. Harper & Row, publishers, 1969.

Facets of the Collection : The Implicit Image: Photography’s Path to the Unconscious 27 March-23 August 1987 ; Photographs from the Last Decade 20 March-28 June 1987 ; Geometry and the New Optimism: Photography between the Wars 3 July-6 September 1987.  / San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, 1987.

Gaylord Freeman. The Art Collection of the First National Bank of Chichago  / Introduction Gaylord Freeman. R.R. Donnelley and Soons Company, 1974.

Leonardo Da Vinci  / IBM. International Business Machines Corporation. IBM, 1951.

Astrup, Nikolai. Nikolai Astrup : Visions of Norway  / Edited by MaryAnne Stevens ; with a Prelude by Karl Ove Knausgård ; Essays by Frances Carey, Jay A. Clarke, Robert Ferguson, and MaryAnne Stevens ; and Chronology by Kesia E. Halvorsrud. 2021.

Neff, Terry A. Selections from the Permanent Collection. Volume 1, Museum of Contemporary Art [Chicago, April 14-June 10, 1984]  / the Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago ; Edited by Terry Ann R. Neff ; Photographs by Tom Van Eynde. The Museum, 1984.

Bishop, Robert C. Folk Painters of America  / Robert Bishop. Greenwich house, 1979.

Ray Yoshida : A Retrospective 1968-1998  / The Contemporary Museum. James Jensen. The Contemporary Museum Honolulu, Hawaii, 1989.

Hall, John N. Max Beerbohm Caricatures  / N. John Hall. Yale University Press, 1997.

Peasant Paintings from Huhsien County  / Compiled by the Fine Arts Collection Section of the Cultural Group under the State Council of the People’s Republic of China. Foreign Languages Press, 1974.

Malraux, André. Museum without Walls  / André Malraux ; Translated from the French by Stuart Gilbert and Francis Price. Doubleday & company, Inc., 1967.

Monet, Claude. Claude Monet : October 15-November 15, 1969, for the Benefit of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Richard L. Feigen & Co., 1969.

Dorothea Lange  / with an Introductory Essay by George P. Elliott ; the Museum of Modern Art, New York. Distributed by Doubleday, Garden City, 1966.

Joan Miró, oeuvre graphique original, céramiques : Hommage de Michel Leiris : ["Marrons sculptés pour Miro" Oeuvres exposées au Musée de l’Athénée, Genève, du 10 juin au 14 juillet 1961].  / catalogue établi par par Edwin Engelberts. [leidėjas nenustatytas], 1961.

Alexandrian, Sarane. Max Ernst  / Text by Sarane Alexandrian, Translated from French by Eleanor Levieux, Conceived by Jean Saucet. J. Philip O’Hara, Inc., 1972.

Rooks, Michael. Grand Allusions : Robert Barnes : Late Works, 1985-2015  / Michael Rooks ; Introduction by Dennis Adrian ; Catalogue by Nanette Esseck Brewer. Indiana University Art Museum in association with Indiana University Press, 2015.

Lesage, Jean-Claude. Peintres americains en Pas-de-Calais : la colonie d’Etaples  / Jean-Claude Lesage. A.M.M.E. éditions, 2007.

Rubin, William, et al. Frank Stella, 1970-1987  / William Rubin. The Museum of Modern Art, 1987.

Andō, Hiroshige. Hiroshige : A Shoal of Fishes. Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1980.

Koshalek, Richard. Sculpture for a New Era : Midwest Sculptors : Program Dedication Ceremony July 11, 1975  / Foreword by Richard Koshalek and Jay Belloli. [leidėjas nenustatytas], 1976.

Claes Oldenburg : Proposal for Monuments and Buildings 1965-69. Big Table Publishing Company, 1969.

Rubin, William. Frank Stella  / William S. Rubin. The Museum of Modern Art, 1970.

Kachan, Douglas Michel. Brown Roger  / by Michel Douglas Kachan, with Contributions by Denis Adrian, and Russell Bowman. Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts, 1980.

Gaston Lachaise : The Man and His Work  / Gerald Nordland. First printing., G. Braziller, 1974.

Art Departament Faculty Exhibition : [Catalog]. Art Departament Faculty Exhibition, January 5 through February 2,1968. University of Kentucky Art Gallery, Lexington. School of Fine Arts/College of Arts and Sciences  / [Foreword Peter Voulkos], University of Kentucky Art Gallery. [The Printing Division, University of Kentucky], 1968.

The Morton G. Neumann Family Collection: Selected Works. Volume I Plates, Carmean, E.A. and Hunter, S.  / National Gallery of Art. National Gallery of Art., 1980.

The Art of Adolf Wölfli : St. Adolf-Giant-Creation  / Elka Spoerri and Daniel Baumann ; Essay by Edward M. Gomez ; Writings by Adolf Wölfli, with a Foreword by Gerard C. Wertkin. American Folk Art Museum. Princeton University Press, 2003.

Feie, Robert. William T. Wiley : Graphics 1967-1979  / [Anne Kohs, Design Robert Feie, Photographs Jonas Dovydėnas]. Landfall Press, Inc., 1980.

Portrait : Faces of the’80s  / by George Cruger. Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond. Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, 1987.

Daniel Richter  / Autoren Karlheinz Essl, Mela Maresch, Andreas Hoffer. Edition Sammlung Essl, 2009.

Jean-François Millet : Drawn into the Light  / Alexandra R. Murphy, Richard Rand, Brian T. Allen, James Ganz, Alexis Goodin. Sterling and Francine, The Frick Art & Historical Center, Yale University Press, Description, 1999.

American Realism  / Edward Lucie-Smith. Abrams, 1994.

Very Similar  / Frank Horvat. Dewi Lewis publishing, 1999.

Mary Frank  / Hayden Herrera. H.N. Abrams Edition, 1990.

Little Pictures of Japan  / Edited by Olive Beaupré Miller, Pictures by Katharine Sturges. The Book House for Children publishers, 1925.

The Revolution of Stage Design in the 20th Century  / Denis Bablet ; Original Lithographs by Joan Miro ; Book Design by Jacques Dopagne. Leon Amiel Publisher, 1977.

Twentieth-Century American Folk Art and Artists  / by Herbert W. Hemphill, Jr., Julia Weissman. E.P. Dutton & сo,, INC., 1974.

Giacometti : The Complete Graphics and 15 Drawings  / Herbert C. Lust ; Introduction by John Lloyd Taylor. Tudor, 1970.

Henri Rousseau  / Essays by Roger Shattuck, Henri Béhar, Michel Hoog, Carolyn Lanchner and William Rubin. The Museum of Modern Art, 1984.

Beyond Illustration : The Art of Playboy  / Foreword by Arthur Paul. [leidėjas nenustatytas], 1971.

Mark Tobey : April 10 to May 1, 1976. M. Knoedler & Co.,Inc., 1976.

Chuc Close  / Colin Westerbeck. The Art Institute of Chicago, in Collaboration with The Friends of Photography. Art Institute of Chicago in collaboration with Friends of Photography, 1989.

Art for Dummies  / Thomas Hoving, Forevord by Andrew Wyeth. IDG Books, 1999.

Real Dreams  / Photo Stories by Duane Michals. Addison House, 1976.

In Pursuit of the Invisible : Selections from the Collection of Janice & Mickey Cartin : An Exhibition at the Loomis Chaffee School  / Foreword by Mickey Cartin ; Edited by John Yau. Hard Press, 1996.

Bag One  / a Suite of Litographs by John Lennon. Lee Nordness Galleries, 1970.

I Wear the Morning Star : An Exhibition of American Indian Ghost Dance Objects  / Harold Peterson, Editor. The Minneapolis Institute of Arts, The Minneapolis Regional Native American Center. The Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 1976.

Cubism : A History and an Analysis, 1907-1914  / by John Golding. Revised edition., Harper & Row, Publishers, 1968.

Myth of the West  / Introduction [by] Chris Bruce ; Essays [by] Chris Bruce. Rizzoli, 1990.

Lin May Saeed : Arrival of the Animals  / Robert Wiesenberger ; with Contributions by Mel Y. Chen, Lin May Saeed, and Birgit Mütherich. Clark Art Institute, 2020.

The Book of Fans  / by Nancy Armstrong, with a Foreword by Mrs Hélène Alexander. Designed and Produced by Ted Smart & David Gibbon. Mayflower Books,INC., 1978.

Hiroshige : Famous Views  / by Muneshige Narazaki. Kodansha, 1977.

Ačaris Saxviti Xelovneba = Fine Art of Ajara  / the Author of Projekt George Janberidze, Computer Layaut Gega Paksashvili, Project Consultants Luka Beselia, Rati Chiburdanidze. Cezanne printing house, 2014.

Robert Guinan : ce catalogue a été édité à l’occasion de la deuxième exposition des peintures de Robert Guinan du 18 avril au 14 mai 1974. galerie Albert Loeb, 1974.

Matisse, His Art and His Public  / by Alfred H. Barr, Jr. The Museum of Modern Art. The Museum of Modern Art. Distributed by New York Graphic Society, 1974.

Holbein  / von Hans Reinhardt. éditions Hypérion, 1938.

Celebrating Fifty Years a Trustee : Bruce B. Dayton Collection, the Minneapolis Institute of Arts  / Text by DeAnn Dankowsli ; Edited by Susan R. Jones. Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 1992.

Selections from the Dennis Adrian Collection : Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, January 30-March 14, 1982  / Introduction John Hallmark Neff. Museum of Contemporary Art, 1992.

A Selection of American Art : The Skowhegan School, 1946-1976  / Catalogue Research and Entries Elisabeth S. Sussman [Ir 2 Kiti]. Institute of Contemporary Art, 1976.

Baj  / Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago. Museum of Contemporary Art, 1971.

The Dance through the Ages  / Walter Sorell. Grosset & Dunlap, 1967.

An Outline of European Architecture  / Nikolaus Pevsner. Jubilee Edition, Q27, Penguin, 1961.

Turner : The Late Seascapes : [Published on the Occasion of the Exhibition Held at Sterling and Francine Clark Art Gallery, Williamstown, Mass. 14 June - 7 September 2003 ; Manchester Art Gallery, Manchester 31 October 2003 - 25 January 2004 ; Burrell Collection, Glasgow 19 February - 23 May 2004]  / James Hamilton. Yale University Press, 2003.

Leonardo Da Vinci, 1452-1519 : The Graphic Work  / Johannes Nathan, Frank Zöllner. Germany Taschen, 2014.
Painted Walls of Mexico : From Prehistoric Times until Today   / Text by Emily Edwards ; Photographs by Manuel Álvarez Bravo ; Foreword by Jean Charlot. University of Texas Press, 1966.

Hartt, Frederick. Michelangelo : The Complete Sculpture  / Frederick Hartt. H.N. Abrams, 1968.

Matisse, Henri. Matisse : In Search of True Painting  / Edited by Dorthe Aagesen and Rebecca Rabinow ; with Essays by Dorthe Aagesen [Ir Kiti]. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2012.

Groenewegen-Frankfort, Henriette Antonia. Art of the Ancient World : Painting, Pottery, Sculpture, Architecture from Egypt, Mesopotamia, Crete, Greece and Rome  / H.A. Groenewegen-Frankfort, Bernard Ashmole. Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1972.

Goodrich, Lloyd. Edward Hopper  / Text by Lloyd Goodrich. Harry N. Abrams, Inc., publishers, 1971.

Galerie Maeght. Derrière le miroir  / Galerie Maeght. Éditions Pierre à feu, 1946.

Beettell, Richard. Impression : Painting Quickly in France, 1860 - 1890  / Richard R. Brettell. Yale Universitet Press in Association with the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute. Yale University Press, 2001.

Ganz, James A. The Unknown Monet : Pastels and Drawings  / James A. Ganz and Richard Kendall. Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, 2007.

Foster, Joseph K. The Posters of Picasso  / Edited and with an Introduction by Joseph K. Foster. Crown Publishers,INC., 1957.

Rankraštis [Paveikslų Nuotraukų Albumas] : [G. Giannini Sudarytas Segtuvas].

Milton, John, et al. L’Alegro Il Penseroso  / John Milton. Illustrated by Bernard Meninsky. Allan Wingate, 1947.

Dückers, Rob. The Hours of Catherine of Cleves : Devotion, Demons and Daily Life in the Fifteenth Century  / [Edited by] Rob Dückers, Ruud Priem ; with Contributions by Gregory T. Clark [Ir 9 Kiti]. Abrams, 2009.

Louis, Morris. Morris Louis  / Text by Michael Fried. Harry N. Abrams, 1970.

O’Keeffe, Georgia. Georgia O’Keeffe. First published., The Viking Press, 1976.

Tomkins, Calvin. The World of Marcel Duchamp, 1887-1968  / Calvin Tomkins and the Editors of Time-Life Books. Time Incorporated, 1966.

Aragon, Louis, et al. Henri Matisse : A Novel  / Aragon ; Translated by Jean Stewart. First american edition., Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1972. T.1


Aragon, Louis, et al. Henri Matisse : A Novel  / Aragon ; Translated by Jean Stewart. First american edition., Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1972. T.2

Goodrich, Lloyd. Reginald Marsh  / by Lloyd Goodrich. Harry N. Abrams Inc., publishers, 1972.

Dickinson, Emily. Emily Dickinson’s Herbarium : A Facsimile Edition. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2006.
Vasari, Giorgio. Lives of the Most Eminent Painters, Sculptors and Architects  / Giorgio Vasari ; Translated by Gaston Du C. de Vere ; Introduction by Kenneth Clark ; Illustrations Selected and Annotated by Michael Sonino. Harry N. Abrams, 1979. T. 1
Vasari, Giorgio. Lives of the Most Eminent Painters, Sculptors and Architects  / Giorgio Vasari ; Translated by Gaston Du C. de Vere ; Introduction by Kenneth Clark ; Illustrations Selected and Annotated by Michael Sonino. Harry N. Abrams, 1979. T. 2

Vasari, Giorgio. Lives of the Most Eminent Painters, Sculptors and Architects  / Giorgio Vasari ; Translated by Gaston Du C. de Vere ; Introduction by Kenneth Clark ; Illustrations Selected and Annotated by Michael Sonino. Harry N. Abrams, 1979. T. 3

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