On April 6 in the complex of the Bernardine Church in the "St. Bernardinas Gallery" on the 3rd floor the exhibition "Tribe" by students and teachers of the Site-specific art program was opened
The participants reflecting on each other's work generated a dialogue field, which became a site for the specifisity to act.
Finally, we came close to the sentiments of the teachers who remember the current spaces of the Bernardine Church as the former corridors of our department and got to know their stories more closely (which walls today separate the corridors of the Bernardine complex from the administrative spaces of the academy, how baptismal vaults used to cover students in the space with dining function and etc.:)
A tribe - is an ancient community connected by common origin and blood ties, which has its own name and its own territory, united by a common economy, language, culture, traditions, and tribal self-consciousness. In today‘s society, there is still a relevant need to gather like-minded people and form their "tribal identity". The tribe that left this area two decades ago - the students and lecturers of the current Site-specific Art department - entered the St. Bernardine gallery (the former studio of the VDA Monumental department).
They were invited by the rector and lecturer prof. Ieva Skauronė, herself studied monumental art from 1997-2001, and at that time climbed the stairs leading to the current gallery. The idea of the exhibition is visual dialogues - conversations with no words, between the lecturer and her first-year and third-year students. Lecturer Algimantas Kensminas also got involved.
This exhibition is a joint search for the “tribal identity” of the students and lecturers of the Site-
specific Art study program in pictorial form.
Participators: Raberta Alksnytė, Urtė Balsytė, Valerija Bartaševič, Lyja Ona Jagminaitė, Lukas Jonikas, Algimantas Kensminas, Aistė Maliaukienė, Oleksandra Ostroverkhova, Diana Radivilovičiūtė, Antanas Repečka, Ieva Skauronė, Mykolas Stratkauskas, Ieva Vytaitytė.
You can visit the exhibition until May 12!