On May 6-10th, 2019 an international workshop "Exhibition stand" will be held at the Klaipėda faculty of Vilnius Academy of Arts (Daržų str. 18, classroom 11B) by professors who will arrive on the basis of "Erasmus+" mobility program from EASD Illes Balears (Escola d'Art i Superior de Disseny de les Illes Balears), Palma, Illes Balears, Spain. 

Workshop will be held by:
Prof. Toni Bauza tbauza@escoladisseny.com
Prof. Marisa Fuster mfuster@escoladisseny.com
Prof. Toni Riera triera@escoladisseny.com

This workshop will be a great opportunity for Interior design students of the Klaipėda faculty to expand SketchUp knowledge. 

Workshop organizer – Head of the Interior design programme at the Klaipėda faculty of Vilnius Academy of Arts - Saulius Jusionis saulius.jusionis@vda.lt