Four artists, teachers, and graduates of Vilnius Academy of Arts, work in one institution, in one department, with the same students, but at the same time each following their own creative path. Being so different, they form a heterogeneous, interdisciplinary expression. Would these people have been brought together by life if not for their work at the VDA? Would they have any artistic dialogue if it were not for the context of studies? With this exhibition, they are trying to answer these and many other questions.
Currator of the exhibition M. Marcelionytė-Paliukė
In my artistic practice, I analyze the relationship among an individual, territory and the surrounding environment, as well as the marginality and fragility of time and space parameters, and human impact on physical modifications of the environment. I’m also interested in the concept of landscape that levitates somewhere between culture and nature, reality and fiction. My works often acquire the shape of the transformed and synthesized landscape, thus becoming a condensate of reactions to the surrounding physical, social and cultural environment, like thoughts, reflections and inner discussions that have obtained visual expression.
Elena Grudzinskaitė
These images emerged from experience and from trying to transform forms. Maybe these figures do not stop in their inner direction. It is possible that this incomprehensible, muddy seeing gives strange good answers in the progress of life.
These searching states are characterized by repetitions, nobilities, disorganizations, decays, consolidations, and findings out. Transformations of forms occur, and sometimes signs of support appear.
Jonas Čepas
This collection of works is based on drawing, and sometimes even more on the act of drawing itself and the coincidences that happen in the process. Unplanned movements that manage to be captured and stored for memory without knowing in advance what to do with them. I feel and perceive the world essentially through the specificity of printmaking, so I’m always looking for ways to transform single marks into a print or edition. Because the miracles that happen when a cliché is “made” and pick up a still-damp sheet of paper from a plate that has rolled out from under the rollers of the etching press and for a moment you are breathless... I just create, mostly without any prior plan, or knowing if I’m going to show or not, it’s probably a kind of dependence on the creative process itself. In this way, collections of drawings and prints accumulate, which, when thinking about the format of an exhibition or an installation, take on a different form and constantly expand their contexts. A continuous, ongoing process.
Marija Marcelionytė-Paliukė
I take the river as a teacher and the forest as a labyrinth to see and find new perspectives / opening ways of visibility and understanding of images today. The sound in space sensing and leads to the fields of touch.
Swinging between nature and urban surroundings, I’m looking for a complex time in paintings.
Simonas Kuliešis
The exhibition was realized thanks to VDA Erasmus+ Staff Mobility Programme.
Photoreportage from the opening night