LT version

Until December 8th VDA community has temporary access to ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global database. It has more than 3 million digital and digitized full-text dissertations and theses from 1743 to now. Every year the database adds about 200 thousand new theses on art, social, humanitarian, nature, and medical sciences from more than 4000 world academic institutions.

Top Theses.

ProQuest eLearning Companions – These tools offer guidance on key topics about dissertations when the student encounters them. Whether encountering dissertations for the first time or writing one of their own, these quick tutorials open this unique resource to any student.

Database video presentation

Access methods:

1. Free access from VDA computers by address.
2. Remote access via EZproxy.

If You have any questions or feedback, please contact us by an e-mail at

Don't forget to check our list of subscribed databasesdatabases in trial, and open access links.