LT version

Representatives of EBSCO databases invite you to participate in webinars in September.

Access to EBSCO databases:
from VDA computers:
remote access:

EBSCOhost in a NEW version!
October 9th. (Wednesday) 12.30–13.30

Business Source Ultimate – management and business research starts here!
October 15th. (Tuesday) 13.30–14.15

NEW! LitBase
October 16th. (Wednesday) 11.00–11.40

IEEE Authorship and Open Access Symposium: Tips and Best Practices to Get Published from IEEE (IEEE publicationsEBSCO Information Services partner)
October  24th (Thursday) 16.30–18.00

Searching for scientific literature on EBSCOhost without any secrets
October  29th. (Tuesday) 11.30–12.30 

EBSCOhost tools that make Your research more effective
October 30th. (Wednesday) 13.00–14.00

All who register despite the participation, will receive a webinar recording.

Some of the previous trainings are available on EBSCO Tutorials (Previous SessionsOn Demand Recordings).

Don't forget to check our list of subscribed databases, and open access links.