LT version

Until December 25th VAA community has temporary access to Artists of the World database (updated by De Gruyter international experts). The database is a companion to printed Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon version. Available more than a million articles on painters, sculptors, graphic designers, architects, photographers and other visual arts artists from different periods.

Every article has information on artists: pseudonyms, maiden names, or names previously wrongly attributed are deciphered; dates of birth and death of the artist and characteristics of the works and entire artistic oeuvre; information regarding the influence of this artist on his or her cultural environment; a selection of the artist's works with their locations; a selection of exhibitions on the artist; detailed lists of the artist's autobiographical writings and other writings; an extensive bibliography, and more.


You might be interested in:
Chagall, Marc
Drėma, Vladas
Fluxus (Group)
Gaudí, Antoni
Gucewicz, Wawrzyniec
Lagerfeld, Karl
Leonardo da Vinci
Maciunas, George
Mekas, Jonas
Rustem, Jan
Ruszczyc, Ferdynand
Smuglewicz, Franciszek
Švėgžda, Algimantas
Varnelis, Kazys

Access methods:

1. Free access from VAA computers:
2. Remote access from personal computer via EZproxy

If you have any questions, please contact us by e-mail at

Don't forget to check our list of subscribed databases, databases in trial, and open access links.