Here you will find all the practical information relevant to all incoming full-time and exchange students about our Academy and living in Lithuania.
Here you will find all the practical information relevant to all incoming full-time and exchange students about our Academy and living in Lithuania.
The average cost of living per month in Vilnius
Average monthly living expenses are estimated from 500 to 1200 EUR, depending on the type of accommodation and individual needs.
Average prices
Vilnius Faculty Guest house: 70-120 EUR
Flat/room rent in the city centre: 350-900 EUR
Meals in the city centre: 6-12 EUR
Public transport monthly student ticket: 5,80 EUR
Public transport single student ticket: 0,33 EUR
The average cost of living per month in Kaunas
Average monthly living expenses are estimated from 400 to 700 EUR, depending on the type of accommodation and individual needs.
Average prices
Student house Solo society: from 329 EUR
Flat/room rent in the city centre: 100-400 EUR
Meals in the city centre: 4-9 EUR
Public transport monthly student ticket: 5,60 EUR
Public transport single student ticket: 0,35 EUR
The average cost of living per month in Klaipėda
Average monthly living expenses are estimated from 400 to 700 EUR, depending on the type of accommodation and individual needs.
Average prices
Flat/room rent in the city centre: 300-600 EUR
Meals in the city centre: 6-12 EUR
Public transport monthly student ticket: 1 zone- 4,30 EUR, 2 zones- 8,20 EUR, 3 zones - 11,00 EUR
Public transport single student ticket: 0,32 EUR
The average cost of living per month in Telšiai
Average monthly living expenses are estimated from 200 to 500 EUR, depending on the type of accommodation and individual needs.
Average prices
Telšiai Faculty Guest house: 100 EUR
Flat/room rent in the city centre: 150-250 EUR
Meals in the city centre: 3-8 EUR
Public transport monthly student ticket: 3,40 EUR
Public transport single student ticket: 0,20 EUR
Accommodation options for students:
► First, check out the Dormitory, offered by VDA:
VDA accommodation (dormitory/hostel) | Facilities | Vilnius Academy of Arts
VDA faculties dormitories contacts:
- Vilnius faculty dormitory: bendrabutis.vilnius@vda.lt
- Telšiai faculty dormitory laima.opulskiene@vda.lt
► You can search for flats and homes advertised online: Aruodas, Domoplius, Rebaltic. Alternatively, you can contact an agency (on the website of the Lithuanian Association of Real Estate Agencies you can find contacts of all the main real estate agencies that for a fee will find you a place to rent).
! ! ! Please be aware of Scammers. They often advertise rentals that don't exist to trick you into sending money before You come to the place. Always visit and check the actual place before sending any money.
► For private/shared stays, we strongly recommend checking out these options:
SOLO SOCIETY City House (Vilnius)
ATLAS - Co-Living Spaces in Vilnius (pdf)
Flatshare/Roommates wanted/Rental Vilnius
SOLO SOCIETY City House (Kaunas)
Kaunas Housing, Rooms, Flats, Apartments
Flatshare/Roommates wanted/Rental Kaunas
Important for students seeking a temporary residence permit while renting a place/flatshare - when filling in an application for a temporary residence permit through the Lithuanian Migration Information System (MIGRIS), an alien may attach documents confirming the alien's right to declare the place of residence in the dwelling. It can be:
When filling in an application for a residence permit, it is possible to submit a commitment to declare the place of residence in a suitable dwelling, and then, after collecting a residence permit from the Migration Department, within 1 month to go to the eldership and declare the place of residence in accordance with the procedure laid down by the director of SE Centre of Registers.
Please remember that every adult alien seeking a residence permit in Lithuania must prove that his or her living space is at least 7 square meters. Aliens coming for training or studies are required to have a smaller living space - 4 square meters.
⇒ Disclaimer: Lists are indicative only. We are not responsible for the activities, or services provided to you by the third-party companies mentioned above.
First of all - we strongly recommend checking out these Facebook groups:
International students in Vilnius-2023
Creative workshop spaces (rental, sharing)
Things, props, decorations for shooting, filming etc.
Locations for filming, photo sessions
Locations for filming, photo sessions #2
Books, give away, share, buy&sell
Craftsmen, construction workers wanted
Model, photographer, make-up artist, designer wanted
The largest shopping and leisure centres:
Akropolis in: (Vilnius), (Kaunas), (Klaipėda), (Šiauliai), Ozas (Vilnius), Panorama (VIlnius), Mega (Kaunas).
Grocery stores, and snack kiosks:
Rimi Express, Iki Express, Lidl, Maxima, Narvesen
International food stores:
AliFood (Vilnius), African food shop (Kaunas), Asian food online
Bars & Nightlife (Vilnius)
THE 10 BEST Nightlife Tripadvisor (Vilnius)
THE 10 BEST Nightlife Tripadvisor (Kaunas)
ACHTUNG BABY!!!!! (Klaipėda)
SKY21 TERRACE (Klaipėda)
The most photogenic places in Vilnius
Senukai , Ermitazas , Jysk , Varle
► Used items can be bought or sold through top popular classifieds, craigslist, and Facebook groups such as:
Vinted Sell and buy clothes, shoes & accessories
Perku, Parduodu, Keičiu, Dovanoju | Vilnius | Facebook
Free/Giveaway stuff | Facebook
Free/Giveaway stuff | Facebook
⇒ Disclaimer: Lists are indicative only. We are not responsible for the activities, or services provided to you by the third-party companies mentioned above.
Phone and Mobile networks are important for your communication and studies.
The most popular telecom providers or SIM cards can be found in shopping centers or grocery stores.
Lithuania international phone code +370
Prepaid phone and mobile internet services:
BITĖ LABAS https://www.labas.lt/sites/default/files/labas_in_english.pdf
TELIA EŽYS https://www.ezys.lt/en
TELE 2 Pildyk https://pildyk.lt/pdf/Pildyk_services_ENG.pdf
In order to use VDA's Wi-Fi, all teachers, employees, students, and guests must:
More information:
Maironio g. 6, 231 kab., Vilnius
Tel. (8 5) 210 5461
Mob. 8 686 10 018
El. p. andrius.pisarevskis@vda.lt
⇒ Disclaimer: Lists are indicative only. We are not responsible for the activities, or services provided to you by the third-party companies mentioned above.
Public transport and car rental
The public transport system in Vilnius consists of buses and trolleybuses which start running at 5 am and stop at midnight. Timetables or trip planners can be found at JUDU or www.stops.lt.
To order public transport tickets - you can download and use free mobile apps such as m.Ticket or Trafi.
More information and tickets in Vilnius
You can also request a ride or taxi with apps: BOLT or E.Taksi
Car rental: to drive yourself you can use CityBee . If your driver’s license is issued in the EU or EEA it has the same value as the Lithuanian one. Learn more about other driver's licenses here.
The public transport system in Kaunas consists of buses and trolleybuses which start running
at 5 am and stop before midnight.
The mobile app to pay for your journeys in Kaunas https://kaunoziogas.lt/en/
A monthly student ticket costs 5,60 EUR + 1,50 EUR for ticket card Kauno kortelė.
Also, a very simple and convenient way to get tickets and information is by using the mobile app TRAFI.
You can also request a ride or taxi with apps: BOLT or E.Taksi
More information and tickets in Kaunas
The public transport system in Klaipėda consists of buses. The timetable is available here.
Monthly student ticket costs 1 zone- 4,30 EUR, 2 zones-8,20 EUR, 3 zones- 11,00 EUR
+ 2,00 EUR for ticket card Klaipėdos kortelė.
Also, a very simple and convenient way to get tickets and information is by using the mobile app TRAFI.
You can also request a ride or taxi with apps: BOLT or E.Taksi
The public transport system in Klaipėda consists of buses. Timetable by stops is available here.
You can also request a ride or taxi with app: BOLT
⇒ Disclaimer: Lists are indicative only. We are not responsible for the activities, or services provided to you by the third-party companies mentioned above.
VDA International Relations Office is located on the Vilnius campus, Maironio st. 6, room 335.
Please let us know if you have any questions or require help.
General information: international@vda.lt
VDA Instagram VDA Facebook
VDA YouTube
If you want to join our own internal social media channel on Telegram, please send a letter by email to aiste.ivanovaite@vda.lt
Our public Student Union Instagram: vda.sanariai
Join VDA Choir VDA kamerinis choras
To subscribe to a Newsletter in English: VDA naujienlaiškis
Cash & Cards
Most places take cards and using them is much encouraged as part of COVID-19 prevention.
If you have extra expenses and card fees using your bank's issued cards, you can:
Open a PAYSERA bank account. It can be opened very quickly online.
Use Revolut app as they also issue virtual or physical cards.
Open a local bank account. Please contact the bank about current availability. More about branches and ATMs locations you can find at (Šiaulių bankas or SEB, Swedbank, Luminor) or simply by using Google maps.
⇒ Disclaimer: Lists are indicative only. We are not responsible for the activities, or services provided to you by the third-party companies mentioned above.
Student Cards
ISIC - International student card is highly recommended as a student identification card.
Information about how to order ISIC is here.
Students in Kaunas and Vilnius who are planning to use public transport can have a city card integrated in ISIC. The list of discounts can be found here.
LSP (LSIC) - Lithuanian student identity card (Lietuvos studento pažymėjimas) is only available for international and local full-degree students. LSIC will provide you with public transport benefits - this means that I travel with city public transport as much as 80% cheaper, and long-distance - 50% cheaper. Part-time students are not eligible for public transport discounts.
You can order LSP (LSIC) online.
It takes up to 5-14 days to make, and it can be delivered straight to your address. Please use your date of birth (YYYY.MM.DD) as your identification code / personal ID.
⇒ Disclaimer: Lists are indicative only. We are not responsible for the activities, or services provided to you by the third-party companies mentioned above.
Are you active and don’t get stuck on the spot? Do you have a lot of ideas and want to fulfill them or do you just want to have a great year and meet students from a variety of specialties? Or maybe you have questions but don’t know who could help you?
The Student's Union "SAnariai" is an organization that seeks to create higher quality, smoother, and more comprehensive study process. The organization does not only provide help to students but also provides its members with organizational and project development skills and experience. Each student can apply oneself to a variety of fields related to the Academy of Arts after becoming a member. So if you are friendly, active, and determined, and you want to add meaningful and fun time to your studies join "SAnariai'' by coming to any meeting, writing an email sa@vda.lt, or contacting us on Facebook.
VDA Student Union "SAnariai" helps students to move forward! At the Vilnius Faculty, members meet up at the Vilnius Academy of Arts every Monday at 7 pm VDA "Titanic", room 411, Maironio str. 5, Vilnius.
"SAnariai" members aim to effectively help students at the Academy, so they are always looking forward to hearing your voice (students, lecturers, administration, or just VDA guests). Everyone can submit their offers 24/7 to our email address!
Hot topics:
Express an opinion - write to us!
"SAnariai" contacts:
President of the Student's Union
Aurėja Kriščiūnaitė
8 630 77 996
Chairman of the Student's Union at Vilniaus Faculty
Haroldas Kuliešius
8 643 33 574
Chairman of the Student's Union at Kaunas Faculty
Deimantas Mackevičius
Vice-chairwoman of the student representation
Patricija Markevičiūtė
Chairwoman of the Student's Union at the Telšiai Faculty
Patricija Pugžlytė
Chairwoman of the Student's Union at Klaipeda Faculty
Gabija Mockutė